Selected works
“Aspirational” (Cagibi) (fiction)
“The Backcountry Prescription Experiment” (Longreads)
"My People Didn't Dance" (Manifest-Station)
True, I hadn’t met The Man of My Dreams on the dance floor (actually I had, we just didn’t know it yet)
“To the Driver of the Bus We Hoped Would Get Us to Our Salseros” (Off Assignment)
“This is What No One Tells You About Being Child-Free in Your 40s” (Huffington Post)
I find no role model or path to help me navigate this. I didn’t do everything I could to be a mother, but I still grieve motherhood.
“I Learned to Love Standardized Tests” (Wall Street Journal)
They don’t have to be basic, boring, or biased. A good question provokes deep engagement.
"A Dream to Disconnect" (Streetlight Magazine)
Before my hiatus from modern life, I relished the idea of digital disconnection. Like many of us, I blamed a fusillade of social-media fueled dopamine hits for clipping my attention span and cluttering my mind.
"How NOT to Prepare Your Students for MAP" (NWEA blog)
"[T]hey were the kids whose parents were reading to them in the womb, the kids who would do well no matter what. The kids in the more urban school did fine precisely because its culture ignored the high-stakes hubbub.
"I Quit My Job at 43 to Hike the Appalachian Trail" (Prevention)
Another gnat buzzes in my ear, wings whirring like tiny helicopter blades poised to cut. I raise my arm to wave it away but really, what's the point?
"Why We Dance" (The Scene)
His hand remained suspended for a moment while he cocked his head and stared past me for a beat. He squinted, nodded as if to himself, and then looked at me again, eyes widened. He lowered his hand and I hooked my fingers over his.
(Photo by Mike Jeon)
"Tough Times” (The Trek)
As humans interested in transformation or peak experiences, we put ourselves intentionally in discomfort’s way precisely because we know it is through this kind of deprivation and denial that we can begin to “re-see” and re-appreciate simple things.
(Photo by Nastco/iStock / Getty Images)